Some People Actually Think Santorum Isn't Conservative Enough
I kid you not. Ballon-Juice led me to this post by PoliPundit: "Incidentally, for those of you who might think Santorum is not conservative enough (um
I kid you not. Ballon-Juice led me to this post by PoliPundit: "Incidentally, for those of you who might think Santorum is not conservative enough (um, would *anyone* be conservative enough for you?), here is the Senators record on the issues about which conservatives have been engaged this particular session.."
My reaction to that is huh...what? Polipundit doesn't list an example of anyone doubting that Rick is a certifiable circus clown, slave loving conservative. What an odd statement to write. The only thing I can figure is that the post is a red herring and only meant to get people to look at his voting record instead of all the asinine things he says, does and writes.