Mike's Blog Round Up
Mike's Blog Round Up blogenlust: The administration’s rhetoric on Iran is incredibily similar to their rhetoric on Iraq during the fall of 2002
Mike's Blog Round Up
blogenlust: The administrations rhetoric on Iran is incredibily similar to their rhetoric on Iraq during the fall of 2002 and the winter of 2003.
After Downing Street: Democrats.com offers $1,000 reward to any reporter who will ask a follow-up question to Bush.
Of Cabbages and Kings: Hybrid car technology was developed by an inventor named Victor Wouk in the 1970s and a bureaucrat with the Environmental Protection Agency killed it.
Ward Sutton's cartoon pretty much sums up the feelings of many of us...
David Es Fablog: How can one glorify Naziismand yet never express any specific prejudice towards gays? In a culture that prizes homophobia thats how.