Sunday Talking Heads
You can find the line-up for the Sunday Talking Heads here. It's a cheery festivus of holiday goodness, chock full of scintillating Sunday morni
You can find the line-up for the Sunday Talking Heads here. It's a cheery festivus of holiday goodness, chock full of scintillating Sunday morning conversation from the likes of George Sr. and Bar, Lynne Cheney, Laura Bush, Huckleberry Graham...oh yeah, a cornucopia of truthiness and delightful, in-depth analysis and introspection.
Aw, who am I kidding. Go hit the rum balls before Grandpa Edsel finishes them off.
So, who is your pick for the person most deserving of a big lump of coal this year? Are his initials GWB? Or does he have the nickname Dead-eye? Who is that one person who deserves the national airing of grievances more than anyone else, in your opinion? Do tell...