Wanker Pinkerton
James Pinkerton makes the laughable observation that the media failed to report about the scandal at Walter Reed because they are liberals who normal
Pinkerton: The media typically come at the Bush administration from the left. They say the Iraq war is a terrible idea. The idea of going after the administration from the right as it were, that they're not supporting the troops enough, not body armor enough, not Humvee enough, not helping at Walter Reed enough. That is an angle that reporters don't naturally think of when they're waking up in the morning...
To him, supporting the troops is only allowed by the right wingers who send them into battle with little care of their needs. That's a slap in the face to many fine reporters, but I doubt they'll complain. Ask him how many stories FOX News produced looking at the cuts Bush has proposed to veteran benefits, bad equipment and extended tours of duty. He has no basis of fact, nor does he cite an example in his silliness.
Email him at pinkerto@ix.netcom.com and ask Pinky to justify his statement...