George Will: John McCain Is Losing His Head

McCain's Media is finally waking up to the fact that despite his impressive biography and (now defunct) honesty and straightforwardness, John McCain

McCain's Media is finally waking up to the fact that despite his impressive biography and (now defunct) honesty and straightforwardness, John McCain has some serious character flaws.


Under the pressure of the financial crisis, one presidential candidate is behaving like a flustered rookie playing in a league too high. It is not Barack Obama.

Conservatives who insist that electing McCain is crucial usually start, and increasingly end, by saying he would make excellent judicial selections. But the more one sees of his impulsive, intensely personal reactions to people and events, the less confidence one has that he would select judges by calm reflection and clear principles, having neither patience nor aptitude for either.

It is arguable that, because of his inexperience, Obama is not ready for the presidency. It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency. Unreadiness can be corrected, although perhaps at great cost, by experience. Can a dismaying temperament be fixed?

When this election first started, I opposed John McCain because I fundamentally disagreed with his position on the issues. But as the campaign has progressed, I've come to realize that McCain -- not Obama -- is the truly dangerous choice to succeed George W. Bush. He simply doesn't have the right temperament to lead in an increasingly dangerous and perilous world.

For another perfect example of McCain "losing his head," see this notorious episode from 1989 during the Keating Five hearings.

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