Scott Walker Made Sh*t Up About Laid-Off Teacher

Scott Walker and his oh, so casual relationship with truth!

Good old Scott better look out. This is exactly the kind of lie voters understand, simple and straightforward. No one likes being manipulated and lied to! Via the Cap Times:

Scott Walker raised Wisconsin educators' eyebrows late last month when he told an Iowa audience that the 2010 "outstanding teacher of the year in my state" was laid off to make room for a teacher protected by union rules.

This was one of the reasons he fought so hard for Act 10 — his "bold way" of dismantling teachers unions and their contracts — Walker told the impressed Iowa Republican audience.

Many in Wisconsin education circles suspected the governor was telling yet another of his trademark fibs.

And, indeed, he was. On Jan. 28, Jud Lounsbury published "Myth Busting Scott Walker's 'Outstanding Teacher of the Year' Got Fired Story" on Daily Kos. Lounsbury looked into the actual award and the fate of the teacher in Walker's story, and concluded Walker's words were mostly fiction.

Now, Wisconsin's High School Teacher of the Year for 2010-11, Claudia Klein Felske, who just happens to be one of Scott Walker's Marquette University classmates, has penned a powerful "open letter" to the governor on the Marquette Educator, a blog hosted by Marquette University's College of Education.

She calls the governor out for embellishing the supposed layoff and for failing to mention the details — all so the governor could "bash Wisconsin schools on the national stage."

You can read the whole thing here.

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