Christie Punts On Whether Refugees Living In NJ Should Have To Leave His State
Mr. Tough Guy had plenty to say about President Obama and his handling of the Syrian refugee crisis, but not so much when asked about the refugees currently living in his state.
Mr. Tough Guy had plenty to say about President Obama and his handling of the Syrian refugee crisis, but not so much when asked about the refugees currently living in his state: Christie Dodges Answering Whether Refugees Living In NJ Should Have To Leave:
Republican presidential candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie dodged answering Sunday whether he thought refugees already living in his state should be forced to leave.
Christie appeared in an interview with CNN's "State of the Union," but had previously said that he wouldn't allow 5-year-old Syrian orphans into the country.
When CNN host Jake Tapper pressed Christie on whether he thought those about 75 refugees already living in the Garden State should be forced to leave, Christie didn't give a direct answer.
"Jake, what should've happened is we should've been informed about it and we were not," Christie said. "We should have these folks vetted and vetted well."
Christie also criticized New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who had critiqued the GOP hopeful for his orphan line, and said that de Blasio should focus on NYC's security concerns.
"Maybe he should be mayor of Damascus," Christie added.
His criticism wasn't limited the the Mayor of New York, of course: Christie bashes White House over Syrian refugee plan:
Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie on Sunday continued his assault on the White House’s approach to admitting Syrian refugees into the United States.
“The FBI director himself said they cannot vet these folks,” Christie told Jake Tapper in an interview Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
The New Jersey governor has drawn criticism for his opposition to taking any refugees in his state, even widows and “orphans under five.” [...]
He also went after Obama for creating the refugee situation in the first place, citing the president’s “failure to enforce” a red line in Syria and his “invitation” for Russian fighters to enter the country.
“He wants the American people to absorb this crisis that he’s created,” Christie said.
The State Department recently released information showing that 75 Syrian refugees had already settled in New Jersey. The revelation prompted further outrage from Christie.
“We should have been informed about it and we were not,” he said, calling Obama’s government an “imperial administration” that is “not giving any information to the state governments.”
Christie reiterated his alternate plan for addressing the refugee crisis, which includes establishing a no-fly zone in Syria and setting up a safe haven territory for refugees.
“This is not even an issue we should be addressing in the United States,” he said.
As I already discussed here, Christie, just like his buddy Eric Bolling on Fox, is lying about the vetting process.