President Obama Speaks From G20 Summit On ISIS Strategy
And your librul media promptly ignores him!
Speaking calmly and deliberately, President Obama held a press conference today where he reiterated his long-term strategy against ISIS, which includes a diplomatic settlement of the Syrian civil war:
ANTALYA, Turkey (AP) – President Barack Obama on Monday conceded that the Paris terror attacks were a “terrible and sickening setback” in the fight against the Islamic State, but forcefully dismissed critics who have called for the U.S. to change or expand its military campaign against the extremists.
“The strategy that we are putting forward is the strategy that is ultimately is going to work,” Obama said during a news conference at the close of two days of talks with world leaders. “It’s going to take time.”
The president grew irritated amid repeated questions about whether he had underestimated the strength of the Islamic State. He said most of his critics are simply “talking as if they’re tough” and offering no real ideas. And he brushed aside those who call for sending U.S. ground troops into the region, saying that “would be a mistake” and wouldn’t work unless the U.S. was committed to being a permanent occupying force in the region.
“This is not an abstraction,” Obama said. “When we send troops in, those troops get injured. They get killed.”
If you skip ahead to the 24-minute mark, that's when you can hear what passes for American journalism. Talk about diplomacy "making America weaker," etc. or "why don't we just in and wipe them out?" Your librul media, ladies and gentlemen.