C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Hawkwind

Riding the Silver Machine for eternity.

I was prepping something to write about the news one of my childhood heroes, Meadowlark Lemon, passing away.

Then I wiggled the mouse on my computer to read the news about one of the true and absolutely no bullsh*t rock-n-rollers of all time passing.

The internet is going to be flooded with lots of Motorhead videos over the next couple of days. I'm sure this one of Hawkwind, the band Lemmy was in before them (and was kicked out of before "being on the wrong drugs" as the legend goes), will be too. It was the first time a Lemmy led vocal hit the charts. Number 3 in the UK in 1972 to be exact.

I am at total loss for words at the moment. RIP Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister, Dead at the age of 70 from cancer.

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