CNN Panelists Square Off Over Bill O'Reilly's Racist Comments
Jeffrey Lord was predictable, but Angela Rye set him straight.
During another one of the ubiquitous "both sides" panels CNN insists on including on their news shows, there was an interesting and in the end, rewarding exchange between Jeffrey Lord, their contractually paid racist, and Angela Rye, their reality-based commentator.
After playing O'Reilly's comments about the "vast racial conspiracy" Democrats are apparently concocting to end the Electoral College, host John Berman asked Jeffrey Lord to weigh in.
"The Democratic party since its inception has been a party of race," Lord asserted. "This is the party of slavery, segregation, the Ku Klux Klan, racial quotas, now illegal immigration by skin color. They are obsessed with race. This is what they do."
Lord then tried to reinforce BillO's nonsense by suggesting that Democrats are a bunch of latte-sipping elites who don't have a clue about race or anything else.
Watch Angela Rye's face during that little rant. It's classic. John Berman tried to bring the discussion back around to the Electoral college, where Rye educated Lord as best as she can.
"I've asked Jeffrey repeatedly not to use this line of thinking," Rye chided. "I don't know where it comes from."
She continued, "It has nothing whatsoever to do with party. We know that racism in this country is a bipartisan and a nonpartisan issue."
"We know that a republican party, that they like to tout as a Martin Luther King I-have-a- dream party, never existed, so I think that it's hogwash."
And finally, some sanity on the electoral college. "As it relates to Bill O'reilly, I will tell you plain and simply is this -- the electoral college is problematic from its inception, and something that was built upon and designed to oppress certain people, whether through intent or by impact has to change."
She went on to challenge the idea that because something has been around since 1787, it has to stay the same.
"That does not make the thing right," Rye continued. "If we say that we are a country where it's one person, one vote, it needs to be one person, one vote. We're not talking about overhauling the electoral college in its entirety but talking about proposals to reshape the way in which it's done."
She added, "I think that it is okay for us to ask questions particularly when we know the Electoral college was built upon a system to protect the interests of slave states. That was a part of the compromise and we would be remiss if we did not acknowledge that horrible history."
There was really nothing left for Lord but bluster. I just love it when a sensible person counters nonsense so efficiently, with a bit of fire.
What I do not understand is why CNN renewed Lord's contract. The star of this segment was Rye. He just existed to spew racist nonsense into the air that's irrelevant, false, and ridiculous.
And Lord calls himself the historian. Please.