Fox Host Reveals The One Thing Obama Can Do Right (Hint: It’s Not Sanctioning Russia)

Fox's Eric Bolling says out loud what all of us knew already when it comes to what, if anything President Obama can do right.

Fox News host (and potential Trump administration employee) Eric Bolling was such a shill for Donald Trump and his disturbing embrace of Russia that the liberal guest finally asked, in exasperation, “Can Obama do anything right for you?” Bolling’s answer proved just what a partisan hack he is.

Guest Arash Aramesh appeared on The O’Reilly Factor last week to discuss President Obama’s retaliatory moves against Russia over its interference in the United States’ presidential election. Conservative guest Cliff May, of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies was also on hand to make it a totally fair and balanced segment of two-on-one with the conservative host interrupting and trying to browbeat the liberal guest.

Bolling announced, in his introduction, “One top Russian official called the action ‘the death throes of political corpses.’” Then, to Aramesh, Bolling validated that view. “Frankly, it feels to me like a lame duck president quacking lame duck quacks,” Bolling said.

Aramesh gave, in my view, the perfect response, by calling out what Fox was up to: “Eric, don’t echo what the Russian embassy just tweeted. ‘Cause you know that’s what the Russians would like you to think and that’s what the Russians would like to say.”

Later, Bolling tried to delegitimize American intelligence.

ARAMESH: We have confirmation now from 17 different intelligence agencies that not only the Russians were involved but they –

BOLLING: Do we? Do we?

ARAMESH: Oh, we do. …

BOLLING: Do we have evidence?

ARAMESH: We do have evidence.

BOLLING: Where is it? … Where is it?

ARAMESH: It will be declassified … Do you trust the Russians or do you trust the American, 17 American intelligence agencies?

BOLLING: Here’s what I don’t know. I don’t know why President Obama has decided to go into sanctions without showing some – just one form of evidence. Just prove it. I’m not saying he doesn’t have it. But before you do something, show it.

Yeah, just asking for a friend, right, Eric?

Again, Aramesh called out what was going on:

ARAMESH: This is rich, this is really rich. I’m surprised that a conservative like yourself [and May], you guys are taking the Russian side on this. This is – they meddled in American elections. We should hit ‘em hard. We should take action and we should take American interests.

Later Bolling attacked President Obama for taking action now and not sooner:

BOLLING: Now, all of a sudden with 22 more days before he has to leave office, he’s gonna put this big divide between the U.S. and Russia and say, “Hey, Donald Trump, here are the keys to the White House, good luck.”

ARAMESH: Oh, the big divide between the U.S. and Russia existed the day that Putin took office … in 2000. …

[…] I just want to know, can Obama do anything to be enough? Can Obama do anything right for you, to praise him?

BOLLING: Yeah, you know what he can do? He can facilitate a smooth transition of power from Obama to Trump presidency.

So there’s your answer. There is nothing Bolling (or just about any other Fox conservative) will praise President Obama for other than enabling Republicans. Bolling wants no common ground, he wants political power for his side, only. Period, end of story.

I hope all Democrats and liberals who appear on Fox will take this to heart. I'm a firm believer that our side must go on Fox and confront the propaganda. But it's verbal combat, not a debate and they are not interested in any meeting of the minds.

Meanwhile, give Aramesh a round of applause as you watch it above, from the December 29, 2016 The O’Reilly Factor.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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