Want Paul Ryan Gone? Draft Randy Bryce For Congress
It's time to repeal and replace Lyin' Ryan!
The only way that Ryan can be stopped in the next few years is to beat him at the polls. But even that is a Herculean undertaking. Ryan is safely ensconced in a very gerrymandered district and has all the money his dark overlords can shovel to him.
However, that doesn't mean Ryan can't be beaten. People are really and truly upset about Ryancare. After giving him their votes, their money and their time, Ryan is about to throw them all under the armored money truck. People are also disgusted with his relationship with Trump. Whether they think that Ryan is arm-in-arm with Trump's repulsive actions or think that he is too spineless to stand up to Trump, Ryan is losing popularity and support.
Still, to beat him, any opposing candidate has to be much more than someone that repeatedly says, "I'm not Paul Ryan." We've learned that in the last three gubernatorial elections. It has to be something that any union worker knows, you can't get people to be with you by just opposing someone or something, you have to offer a better alternative. Instead of just opposing Ryancare, one has to have something better, hopefully one-payer health care, but even Obamacare would be better.
One cannot be just opposed to privatizing schools, but strengthening public schools. Supporting strengthening voters' rights and women's rights and more access to good health care providers instead of oppressing people more and more.
It would also have to be a person that could appeal to a wide range of people, from moderates to the very progressive. It would have to be someone willing to take baby steps while keeping their eye on the big prize. It would have to be someone able to raise money and relate to the grassroots at the same time, just like someone who can walk on a iron girder high in the sky without fear or without losing their balance.
That person, I believe, has to be Randy Bryce.
This is what I wrote about Randy a few years ago when we successfully drafted him into running for the state senate:
The candidate would have to be someone with some name recognition to help make up for the gerrymandering. Because of the areas blue collar, hard-working population who is starving for jobs, the candidate would have to be someone who would support the workers and help them get good family jobs. The candidate should also have a passion to make sure our children are able to receive the best educations they can; that citizens in need should be able to get assistance when they need it and that we only get one world and its natural resources should not be squandered for a short term profit gain.
Most importantly, the candidate should be someone who is not afraid to roll up their sleeves, get their hands dirty and do the hard work that will be needed to first win the race and then get to work on fixing the damage that has been done in the past three years.
There is only one person that I know of that could meet those requirements: Randy Bryce.
Randy is fairly well known due to a previous run for the State Assembly as well as his activism and his involvement in the community. Being a member of Ironworkers Local 8, he has a strong work ethic and recognizes it in others, whether they are unionized or not. While I am sure he would love to see everyone in a union, his primary focus has always been to work on getting everyone a decent, family supporting job.
If you talk to Randy for five minutes, you would know how much he loves son, Ben, and how proud he is of his son. Randy would go to Madison with that fierce love and fight not only for Ben, but all children.
He would bring that same fire and same work ethic with him to Madison to stand up for the people. He would not sell out his constituents for any special interests and he would not do anything, personally or professionally, to embarrass them.
Not only would Randy continue with his strong advocacy for workers, families children, and social justice, Randy is also an army veteran and a proud and fierce advocate for his fellow veterans, a group that is often maltreated and forgotten.
I know that Randy is fully aware of the challenges getting into this race would mean and would not flinch at taking them on. He would be able to garner the support and backing of unions and individuals. He appeals to both moderates and liberals, such as myself. Randy would not be lured by the special interests, unless you count the people of the district as special interests. (I think Randy would be even willing to draw the line with the powerful tartar sauce cartel.)
If you agree with me that Randy should take on defeat Lyin' Ryan, please join the Draft Randy Bryce Facebook pageor express your support to him on Twitter at;@IronStache.
We need Randy now to help get this state and this country back on the right path. Please join me in letting Randy know he needs to serve his country again.
Cross posted from Cog Dis.
Update (Karoli): Howie Klein sent along a note saying that if you're interested in donating to Randy's effort, you can do that here. Or just click the thermometer below.