The Crookie Awards 2017: Is It Too Early To Give A Lifetime Achievement Award To Marco Rubio?

His latest flip-flop on the value of the GOP Tax Scam is, well, his latest flip-flop.

He was "tough" on Tillerson but voted for his nomination anyway.

He admitted the next step after tax "reform" would be cuts to Medicare and Social Security.

And he voted for the GOP tax scam but lately?

And there are ZERO consequences for Marco Rubio because apparently there are enough Republicans in Florida who just won't vote any other way, no matter what he does TO them.

Remember 2015 when he said he hated the Senate and wouldn't seek re-election if he didn't get the Presidential nomination?

Then when he fell flat on his stupid face in the debates he decided he would run again? And newspaper editorials in Florida were so disgusted with him they took pages to tell him so directly?

He was in the Senate to vote for Skinny Repeal of the ACA.

And he DID vote for the tax bill, suckers.

I don't want you to think I don't have a problem with Rubio, that my problem is with his voters.

I want you to KNOW my problem is with his voters.

Apparently he can vote to take grandma and put her out of her nursing home and in the GUTTER and he'll get re-elected. So screw him AND the stupid sucker idiot Fox News Zombie voters who put him in office when he said to their faces he hated the job.

Oh, and here's your reward, jackass.

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