Right Wing Pastor Damns Teens Protesting For Gun Safety: 'As Dangerous As Hitler Brownshirt Youth'

Lance Wallnau may not be a household name, but he is as much of a menace as Franklin Graham.

Right wing "pastor" Lance Wallnau is very, very upset with the Parkland kids organizing Saturday's March for Our Lives to call attention to the demand to ban weapons of mass death and implement common-sense gun safety laws.

For this "pastor," it comes down to whippersnappers defying their authoritarian elders, or alternatively, colluding with "left-wing Democratic mobilizers to be forced to have to go out and have their first experience of doing public protests...".

Because their first experience of being in a mass shooting facilitated by right wing NRA devotees was so wonderful, Mr. Pastor Man?

“These kids, whether they wanted to or not, have peer pressure, teachers, students, propagandize them and making them go out and march," Wallnau complained.

Suffer the little children must have a different meaning to Wallnau than the rest of us.

“The left is lawless,” he groused. “They create lawlessness and then they raise up a rebellion out of the very lawlessness they create."

Wait, WHAT?

Let's just back that up and talk about who is lawless and who is not. "The Left" is not out there promoting AR-15s. "The Left" is not out there shooting up schools. "The Left" isn't blowing up promising musicians of color for kicks and giggles, Mr. Pastor Guy. Say his name: Draylen Mason.

Nay. Lawlessness is not the province of the left.

In a preaching style so reminiscent of Franklin Graham, Wallnau raved on.

"So all these kids marching and having their posters made and organized; this is, in my opinion, it’s as dangerous as Hitler raising up the Brownshirt Hitler Youth and forcing them to become politicized and weaponized."

Guns did that, Pastor Boy. Guns. AR-15s in the hands of lunatics.

"From age 10 to 14? I know most adults aren’t prepared to discuss the Second Amendment profoundly, let alone a 10-year-old or a 14-year-old," he ranted. "This is an abuse of political leverage through the school system, which tells us the left will politicize everything, from the Academy Awards to the Golden Globes to schools and high school and there is always an agenda and the agenda is power, not righteousness.”

OH, this is about the SCHOOL SYSTEM. I see. Dare we mention how the Austin bomber was educated? (Hint: It wasn't in a school system; he was homeschooled)

Let's all study our word for the day and send it to "Pastor" Wallnau: PROJECTION

Psychological Projection: a form of defense in which unwanted feelings are displaced onto another person, where they then appear as a threat from the external world.

And for those of you wondering why I'm calling out a relative no-name pastor about something like this, it is because these so-called "no-names" find their way online in the hopes of being amplified and rewarded financially for their venomous hate. Better to stop and expose them in infancy.

Update: The Austin bomber's mother is a member of the "Jeremiah 17:8 Homeschool Collective" and posted on Facebook when her son was "graduated," noting that she had 3 more kids to go, according to reports.

Jeremiah 17:8 says, “They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Shall we condemn all religious homeschool associations because this one young man was educated that way? Or perhaps we should look to other possibilities for his radicalization, like time spent online, on Reddit, on YouTube, on right-wing hate sites with right-wing "pastors" pretending they are righteous and above reproach, like this one.

(h/t Right Wing Watch)

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