Ben Carson Used Unproven COVID Treatment Recommended By The MyPillow Guy

“Anybody who has ever gotten covid and taken it, they are fine in five hours, and the next day are running around playing floor hockey in the hallway,” said Mike Lindell.

Lindell recommended oleander extract from a company he just happened to have a financial interest in. Within hours Ben Carson's symptoms are said to have magically disappeared. It's unclear if Ben Carson also now has a financial interest or not. Back in August, both of them were promoting the dietary supplement as "a cure" to Trump.

Snake oil salesmen, all of them.

Source: Washington Post

When Ben Carson, Trump’s secretary of housing and urban development, came down with covid-19 last week, the former surgeon wasn’t worried. He had a Guy for that.

“I heard about the oleander extract from Mike,” Carson said in an interview.

“Mike” is Mike Lindell, the pillow magnate who served as a Trump campaign chairman in Minnesota; oleander extract is an unproven therapeutic remedy for the coronavirus that Lindell has been pushing.

Carson said he took the extract, which has not been approved for such purposes by the FDA and which experts say may be dangerous, and within hours his symptoms disappeared — to the delight of Lindell, who has a financial stake in the company that makes the extract.

“Anybody who has ever gotten covid and taken it, they are fine in five hours, and the next day are running around playing floor hockey in the hallway,” said Lindell, who has pitched the Trump administration on its effectiveness (which, again, has not been proved).

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