Fox News Lie: Teachers' Unions Are 'Power-Hungry Science Deniers Who Clearly Hate Kids'

First they went after Fauci, and then headed on to hit the teachers' unions for protecting their members' health.

Fox News is fighting for relevance in today's extreme right-wing media Hunger Games, so they've decided the right thing to do is to suddenly be champions of school lunches while trashing teachers' unions and Dr. Fauci.

According to plagiarist Ben Domenich, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a terrible person for speaking in favor of stimulus funds going to public schools, instead of just opening them right now without the necessary modifications to protect students.

To boot, he ascribes motivations to Fauci that are just in his right-wing fantasy. "He's acting like a politician!," he exclaimed.

"He's saying you need to pass a huge -- Frankly I would like him to come forward and say, we need a $15 minimum wage. We need to deal with the problem of systemic racism before schools can reopen because that is practically what he's saying," he groused on. "There is a massive amount of money, tens of billions of dollars designed to go to K-12 education for this purpose."

God forbid Dr. Fauci should be concerned about...public health, including that of our children and the adults who teach them. God forbid.

But they were just warming up. Dagen McDowell suddenly cares about kids getting school lunches, and she was there to bash the teachers' union for that, because Fox News really loves to blame teachers' unions for everything.

Who does she think has been taking care of those needy students during this pandemic, anyway? TEACHERS have made sure those kids get lunch. You know, the ones who belong to UNIONS.

Nevertheless, McDowell lied. As they do. "Democrat politicians and the unions who are power hungry science deniers clearly hate kids," she told her Fox viewers.

That's some slander right there. Serious slander, and Lisa "Kennedy" Montgomery was ready to jump right in, first with her "shame on teachers' unions" shtick and then moving on to say that schools don't need any more damn money.

"You can do it with social distancing, masking, ventilation," she said, apparently oblivious to the expensive modifications to ventilation systems and classrooms to make that work. "You can do this and make it work, but unions don't want to and neither do teachers."

That makes no sense, but on Fox News it's all about the heat and not the light. No one but these yahoos on Fox News who don't really even believe the crap they spew thinks teachers just love teaching Zoom classes rather than being in the classroom! All the unions want is for their teachers to be as safe as possible.

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