Rep. Tim Ryan Tells Republicans To Put Up Or Shut Up For American Workers
"Now stop talking about Dr. Seuss, and start working with us on behalf of the American workers!" he said.
Georgia Republican Rep. Rick Allen was on House floor to oppose a Democratic union organizing bill, calling it "a radical proposal aimed at appeasing big union bosses who fund the far-left's political agenda."
"Heaven forbid we pass something that's going to help the damn workers in the United States of America," Ryan said.
"If we were passing a tax cut for the rich, you'd be standing in line! Now stop talking about Dr. Seuss and start working with us on behalf of the American workers."
Republican VIrginia Foxx responded :"I'm using my inside voice." (Wasn't that clever?)
The debate on a bill unlikely to pass in the Senate did present a useful contrast to Republicans who point out Trump's appeal for white working class voters and are trying to rebrand their party.
Ha, ha! Only the deplorable Neanderthals who already believe that are going to fall for it. You go, Tim!