Most Vaccine Hesitancy Comes From Trump-Voting Counties
The hypocrisy, selfishness, and intellectual dishonesty of these Trump voters is enraging, and so par for the course.
The New York Times investigated county by county in the United States, discovering that it's mostly Trump voters refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
The Times examined survey and vaccine administration data for nearly every U.S. county, and found that both willingness to receive a vaccine, and actual vaccination rates to date were lower, on average, in counties where a majority of residents voted to re-elect former President Donald J. Trump in 2020. The phenomenon has left some places with a shortage of supply and others with a glut.
Are you surprised?
Most TraitorTrump supporters watched either Fox News or their imitating sycophants in the media, who were constantly attacking the CDC, Dr. Fauci, their safety guidelines to combat the coronavirus, and the efficacy of vaccinations. Since MAGA idiots believe every word the Seditious Ex and their surrogates babble, they lap it up as if it's the truth.
On CNN's State Of The Union, Dana Bash said in their new poll that 43% of Republicans still don't want to get the vaccine.
The CNN host asked Dr. Fauci about these results. "How frustrating is this for you?" she asked.
Fauci is visibly frustrated, especially at the large number of Republicans, because it "works against were they want to be."
"The way you get rid of those restrictions is to get as many people vaccinated as quickly and as expeditiously as possible," he said. Dr. Fauci continued, "It's almost paradoxical that on the one hand they want to be relieved of the [CDC guidelines] restrictions, but on the other hand they don't want to get vaccinated. It just almost doesn't make any sense."
It doesn't make any sense at all.
This data shows the negative effect right-wing media has on the American people.
The Wall Street Journal reports new data from the CDC, which states that if you're fully vaccinated, the rate of infection is minuscule.
You don't hear this information on FoxQ, Newsmax, or any other right-wing media outlet.
Instead, you hear that your whiteness is being replaced by immigrants.
You're being canceled out like Mr. Potato head.
You're being told to question the vaccines.
That masks are attacking your freedoms and don't really work.
Conservative media is a killing machine.