Vile Antivax MAGAs Protest Outside Harry Reid's Funeral
Trump supporters protested outside of the memorial service for former Majority Leader Harry Reid this Saturday, waiving Confederate flags along with f*ck Biden banners. What a class act these people are.
Trump supporters protested outside of the memorial service for former Majority Leader Harry Reid this Saturday, waiving Confederate flags along with f*ck Biden banners. What a class act these people are.
Here's more from Raw Story:
Video posted online appears to show the protesters gathered outside the Smith Center for the Performing Arts in Las Vegas.
At least one protester was waving a confederate flag, while another carried a banner saying "F*ck Biden." The protesters also had Trump flags and carried signs saying "Let's Go Brandon" and "LGB" — which of course is code for "F*ck Joe Biden."
President Joe Biden was scheduled to speak at the memorial, where former president Barack Obama delivered Reid's eulogy.
According to Patriot Takes, which is dedicated to exposing right-wing extremism, the protest was organized by Nevada anti-vaxxer John Carlo.
Here's the thread from PatriotTakes on Twitter: