Lara Logan Dumped After Rant About 'The Left Drinking Babies' Blood'
The former disgraced CBS correspondent now adheres to the most extreme religious right conspiracy theories.
Lara Logan, the former CBS News correspondent for 16 years, told Newsmax she considered the battle over immigration the beginning of the "end times" against Satan.
Former disgraced Fox News host Eric Bolling hasn't found an issue that he couldn't turn into a socialist attack on America, including any display of mercy shown to migrants wanting to come to this country.
Claiming migrants get incredible luxuries, etc...
"How does it end?" he asked.
Bolling should have never used the word "end." You'll see pretty quickly.
Logan claimed dealing with immigration is a "spiritual battle."
Logan then marked her territory.
"I am a firm and solid, an immovable believer in GOD," she said. "I believe that good is greater than evil."
"I believe the fallen angel, otherwise known as Satan doesn't get to prevail in this world," she proselytized.
"You know various different people talk about the End Times. And if you fight for God, God will fight for you."
As Logan continued rambling about the End Times, Eric Bolling cut her off, trying to curtail the crazy train.
"Is God okay with a closed border?" the Newsmax host asked.
Bolling got her back on track, or so he thought.
"It's much bigger than that," she said.
"[God} knows that the open border is Satan's way of taking control of the world through all of these people who are his stooges and his servants," she babbled. "And they may think they will become Gods, [Yuval Noah] Harari and all the rest of them at the World Economic Forum."
(Fact Check-The World Economic Forum did not issue 'urgent memo' detailing 18-month review of 'Great Reset Phase I solutions')
"You know -- the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches, and that while they dine on the blood of children. Those are the people, right? They're not going to win," Logan said.
That is disgusting.
I used to enjoy Logan's reports during the Iraq war, and then she was fired from CBS, went to Fox News, and is now appearing in the bowels of Christian nationalist sludge.
Anyone who does not think like the MAGA cult, and christian nationalists is the devil, Satan, Lucifer, (in other words, any person from the center left) are trying to destroy humanity and bring on the End Times while drinking the blood of babies.
Logan and those that believe like she does are promoting an a new Crusade against all non-believers.
UPDATE: How does it end? Like this.