Alex Jones Melts Down Because His Bankruptcy Is Scaring Off Donors
Alex Jones claims it’s “liberating” to be bankrupt but he lashed out at those who are not donating to him as a result in a crazed rant that included the claim he has trained himself not to lie.
On Monday, a Houston judge ended a stay of the $1.5 billion judgment against Jones. At the same time, the families who won the award because of his lies about the Sandy Hook massacre agreed not to pursue collection while other legal processes, including any appeals, are ongoing.
But Jones wants his fans to think that wriggling out of the debt is a given. “This place is on the edge of insolvency,” he said. "We are in bankruptcy to try to get through this and to try to minimize the bills.”
He claimed that all he has to do is make a plan, follow the plan “and we stay on the air indefinitely and they can’t shut us down and we get our appeals.”
He left out the part where the judge has to approve the plan.
Then he attacked the media because “a bunch of the audience thinks, 'Well, he's going off air. I'm not going to support him.'" He whined that headlines reported, “Judge Strips Jones Of Bankruptcy Protection In Devastating Blow To Jones.”
Jones claimed “we took the stay off” (again forgetting the role of the judge) “because we’re appealing it.” Actually, it was more like an agreement had been reached with the Sandy Hook families.
That was nothing compared to the lunacy that came next. He called it “a liberating feeling," that “I'm going to get down to the point where I can't buy groceries. That makes me feel actually like I've done my job. I'm actually liking this in a way."
“Unlike Fauci, I don’t tell lies,” Jones lied. “You got that? That's my secret! My brain becomes more powerful every day because I've trained myself not to lie to myself, not to lie to my audience and not to lie in front of God!"
Then he got to what I think was the whole point of the rantings: squeezing more money out of his followers.
"The Democrats couldn’t shut us down, and the debanking, and the Deep State, the censorship couldn’t shut us down. And all the fake lawsuits couldn't shut us down,” he continued. “But you decided to believe their propaganda … and you believe we're going under because the lawyers told you we're going under, the Democrats told you we're going under. And you've decided — some of you — to believe that, so we've gotten less support since all those court cases."
"OK, believe ‘em!" Jones added. “And then it will make it true! Because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy that this show is one of the most important broadcasts in the world for liberty and it is up to the audience to decide whether we stay on the air or not.”
Just then, an ad popped up on the screen announcing 50% off “Real Red Pill Plus.”
Soon after, Jones started yelling, "The fact that it's just right there! Where we're almost where we need to be! And we're just almost going to beat these people! It just pisses me off!"