Fox News Host Mortified Americans Want To See Trump Prosecuted

Trey Gowdy just cannot understand how most people respect the law.

Trey Gowdy, the former House Benghazi Committee chairman who tried and failed to arrest Hillary Clinton was flabbergasted at the latest polling that supports the indictment and arrest of Donald Trump.

To Gowdy's dismay, "Sixty percent of Americans approve of the indictment of former President Donald Trump, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS."

Covering the imminent arrest of Trump, Gowdy downplayed what it takes for a grand jury indictment, but then he attacked the American public.

"I do think it's a test, but I think in some ways the American people have already failed the test," Gowdy said. "If the polling is correct and people ..."

Watching Trump since 2015, millions more people are horrified by his actions, so no, they haven't failed THE test.

Gowdy said he's willing to be surprised after he sees the actual indictments since nobody has seen them.

The Fox News host then rambled for a bit on nonsense.

"The other thing that shocks me, Jillian, is the number of people who say, yes, we think politics was involved, but yet we still support the indictment," Gowdy said.

Both things are not mutually exclusive, Trey.

"That is pretty much what the criminal justice system should not be about, which is rewarding political friends or punishing political foes," he said.

"This is not just Trump on trial. I think in many ways it is how much we really believe that we're a nation of laws and not a nation of women and men."

Gowdy funneled the same argument Trump and his family members are making, that he's just being punished by his political rivals and every thing he does is pure as the driven snow.

That's ridiculous.

Trump wants to rule like a fascist dictator and his actions clearly show it to be so.

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