Fox's Sean Duffy: 'There's A Bogeyman Of White Supremacy'

Duffy also doesn't believe that QAnon exists.

During a discussion over an article in The New Yorker, titled The Rise of Latino White Supremacy, which discussed the fact that Latinos are increasingly both the potential perpetrators and potential victims of racial violence in America, Fox's Brian Kilmeade and his guests, Sean Duffy and Mollie Hemingway decided the best way to deal with the issue was to pretend it just doesn't exist.

KILMEADE: Just to change gears a little bit, the one thing that's trending in this country that is really making Republicans feel good about their future is how many Hispanics coming into the camp, and that is really messing with the long-term plans of Democrats.

So if Latinos are moving away from Republicans, Democrats, why not label them white supremacist?

Look at the cover of this New Yorker magazine article, The Rise of Latino White Supremacy Sean. Is that even possible!?

It is possible, and if Kilmeade had bothered to read or quote anything from the article, he'd know that. Instead, Duffy decided to pretend his lying propagandist wife is some sort of expert on the subject.

DUFFY: No. Ask my wife, because as a Latina. I was like, this is impossible and she was like, why haven't you told me this? I know. So the problem is you that have a Democrat party and a Democrat media that says if you vote Republican and you're a minority, must be white supremacist.

If you are a woman who votes for Republicans you must be buying into the patriarchy, right?

But if you believe in freedom and liberty and free enterprise and you don't like communism and big government, you like lower taxes, if you fall in that camp, you're white supremacist.

I've looked around. I've looked everywhere. I haven't seen one white supremacist. There's a bogeyman of white supremacy with which I don't think anyone can see. It's telling.

Democrats used to talk about QAnon. I'm like, I've never read, met or seen anyone who's in QAnon. You're driving a story that doesn't exist!

Sorry Sean, but just because you haven't personally met anyone in QAnon (or at least anyone you're willing to admit you've met) doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This line from Duffy actually surprises me a bit given how many of their wingnut viewers are likely in the QAnon cult themselves.

Kilmeade ignored the ridiculous statement about QAnon and just continued with their talking point that people of color can't also buy into white supremacist viewpoints, or do their part to give them legitimacy.

These professional liars are still playing the "I have one Black friend" game that Stephen Colbert used to take them apart for mercilessly back when he was hosting The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. They haven't gotten any better at it since then.

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