MAGA Pastor Compared Women To Pigs With Gold Nose Rings
Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon compared women to pigs with gold nose rings in a recent sermon. Webbon is a rising star in Trump's GOP.
Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon compared pigs and women during his October 20 Sunday sermon. The Christian nationalist pastor told his audience that that God wants women to be quiet and modest:
"Like a golden ring in the snout of a pig, so too it is with a woman who is not modest."
Webbon is a rising star in the Republican party, part of the so-called “TheoBros” movement. This group of younger men have views that are very extreme, even by MAGA standards. Many of these young men don’t believe in democracy and don’t want women to even vote.
Did I mention Webbon hates democracy? This is the future of the Republican party if people don't stop Trump now.