pointed out that the law had enjoyed multiple nearly-unanimous reauthorizations because lawmakers were scared to be seen voting against discrimination, calling it “a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial entitlement.”
Several media outlets -- like Mother Jones and Salon -- noted that Scalia's argument was not unlike something that would have been expected from Limbaugh. And MSNBC's Al Sharpton observed that the Supreme Court justice had a history of taking cues from Fox News and conservative radio hosts.
On Monday, Limbaugh declared that he would be "honored" to be compared to himself and so Scalia should be too.
"Imagine that!" Limbaugh exclaimed. "Arguably one of the most well-endowed intellects in court's history, Antonin Scalia, was accused of sounding like me. And I'm sure it's a big day for him too!"
"This is one of those things that goes both ways. I know if I were Antonin Scalia, I would be honored. Just like I am honored to be compared to him."
(h/t: Media Matters)