A playful place, a place of fun, a dancing world of bright colors, a world in which we bubble and overflow into one another and beyond.
A world without hard lines - a world in which identities exist only to be transcended. A world in which the basis of human existence is not identity, but the mutual recognition of our dignities.
Not 'I am', 'you are' — but I-you-we do-create-become. A different form of organization, a different form of coming together. The mutual recognition of humans, and also, in a different way, the mutual recognition of human and non-human forms of life.
Nonsense, of course, were it not for the fact that it already exists – as potential, as rebellion, as the force of the 'not yet' in the present.
To find the world that could exist after capitalism, we must look to the anti-worlds already being created in countless struggles against capitalism – countless cracks in the texture of capitalist domination.
A world beyond capitalism can only be a distillation of the dreams dreamt against oppressions – A redemption of the longings of all who have struggled for a better world.
Look then, to the experimental anti-worlds being created in the struggles against capitalism, to the assemblies that characterized the Occupy movement, and its rejection of representative "democracy".
To the protests against guns and violence and war, to the movements not just against male domination, but for the overcoming of all classifications of people by sex and sexuality.
To the millions who fight against the destruction of the Earth by developing a different conviviality with non-human forms of life.
To the constant push for living in a time liberated from the clock, in the space freed from the measuring rant. To the constant drive inseparable from our humanity to determine our own doing.
In the cracks, in the refusals and creations in the anti-worlds of daily struggles. That is where the urgently necessary world beyond capitalism is to be found.