Westboro Baptist Church Offers To Advertise On Limbaugh's Show
There's something so deliciously ironic, so perfectly just in this. The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that Rush Limbaugh has a new sponsor anxious to buy up lots of ad space on his show: Westboro Baptist Church. Is there anything more
Premiere Networks has released a statement saying they will not accept any ads from the group. Who knew they had standards of what Limbaugh maligns as "political correctness."
“As a matter of fact, I can confirm that,” Westboro spokesman Steve Drain told Hatewatch today when asked if the church was seeking to advertise on “The Rush Limbaugh Show.” “We’re preparing our first ad at this very moment, and we’ll have a 30-second radio spot ready to go by Friday.”
Drain said he has been in contact with ad executives, but added that the Westboro spots will have to be produced before they are accepted or rejected. The radio ads would be posted as audio links Friday on the church’s websites, the Westboro spokesman said.
For its part, Westboro sees a natural affinity with Limbaugh, Drain said, but the first ad won’t mention those commonalities. “The ad’s message will be that America is doomed because Americans have cast aside the standards of God, and won’t quit their proud sinning,” the Westboro spokesman said.
Westboro also agrees with Limbaugh’s remarks about Fluke, Drain said, and will attempt to impart that message in the church’s second radio advertisement.
“That lady basically believes she wants the government to pay to kill her babies,’’ Drain said in comments that closely resembled those delivered earlier by Limbaugh. “That implies a certain level of promiscuity. She wants to fornicate her brains out, but she doesn’t want a child. Sounds like a slut to me, and God hates sluts.”
Well, really? God hates sluts? Funny, I always understood that God doesn't hate anyone. I can only assume that Drain The Westboro Spokesman might need a little "Church Chat" to remind him of who is possessing him right now. Who could it be, who could it be?
Update:David has the ad up on VideoCafe.