Donald Trump says or does or thinks stupid things basically all day, everyday. In fact, I am shocked with he says something intelligent. Wait, I meant to say I would be shocked IF he ever says something intelligent. Thus far, his record is 100% idiotic.
Mother Jones reported on this doozy of a clip from an interview that Trumpster Fire Donald had with NBC News a few months after the Central Park rape case was vacated. Remember, Trump was all over that, with his barely hidden racism, demanding through full page ads in New York papers that the death penalty be reinstated. Oh, but all 5 teens arrested (4 black males and 1 Hispanic male) were exonerated. Facts.
A few months after jumping into the Central Park rape case, Trump appeared in an NBC News special to discuss, of all things, race in the United States. Instead of discussing how race relations can be improved, he turned the tables, crying foul, accusing certain black folks of getting too uppity and smart and taking jobs from good white folks like himself.
His exact quote:
"A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. And, I think, sometimes a black may think that they don't really have the advantage or this or that but in actuality today, currently, it's, uh, it's a, it's a great. I've said on occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today I would love to be a well-educated black because I really believe they do have an actual advantage today."
"A black"
Yes, that is what he said. Like the recent "Look at my African American over there."
Oh, and the irony? If there are so many "well educated blacks" then why doesn't he hire them for executive positions?