This incident reminds me that so many of the voices who are supposed to inform America are actually pretty dumb themselves, and at the very least, lacking in emotional intelligence.
"Good Morning America anchor Lara Spencer apologized on air for mocking Prince George for taking ballet. During Friday's show, her remarks were widely panned as insensitive and sparked the viral hashtag #boysdancetoo. This is what she just said," John Berman said.
"Spencer interviewed three of ballet's most celebrated male dancers to learn about their experiences before her remarks, a large group gathered outside of ABC Times Square there, and you can see them dancing in protest," he said.
"That's my kind of protest!" Alysin Camerota said.
NFL players have been taking ballet classes for years! And you'd think Spencer would remember that "American Housewife," a hit sit-com on her own ABC network, features a long-running storyline about a teenage son who's pursuing a serious career in dance. Just sayin'!