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From Cenk's crew over at The Young Turks, it's a pretty sad day when someone manages to make one of the talking heads over at Fox look rational, but that's exactly what we got from wingnut NRA head Wayne LaPierre this weekend on Fox News Sunday. I was listening to Randi Rhodes this Monday and she made some of the same points about the DMV and the "bureaucratic nightmare" that LaPierre was complaining about during his interview with Wallace.
Here's more from TYT's You Tube channel and warning for the clip above, it's not safe for work: NRA's LaPierre Makes Fox News Look Reasonable:
"On Fox News Sunday, following the segment featuring Mark Kelly, Chris Wallace interviewed National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre about various issues surrounding gun control — ranging from background checks to mental health concerns to armed security at schools. Pressing LaPierre on his arguments, Wallace challenged him on some of his opposition to gun control.
Wallace began with background checks, citing the 1.7 million people who've been denied because of the checks — but LaPierre argued that most of those people weren't prosecuted, and we can't say they "were stopped from getting a gun at all."*
National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre was interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox News. There, he argued that universal checks and registries would only be a "bureaucratic nightmare." No word on if Lapierre has ever been to the DMV or any other government regulating office. Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show), Michael Shure (Current TV Political Correspondent), and Brian Unger (How the States Got Their Shapes) discuss.