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I know there's not a lot for conservative hate-radio jocks to talk about these days except the debt ceiling, how Obama created the deficit and how cutting taxes and deficits creates an incredible amount of jobs. But even by their loony standards, this is off the wall. No, not The Wall North of Winterfell.
Limbaugh: People Believe In Global Warming Because Air Conditioners Make Their Homes Cool
Doesn't Limbaugh work in Florida? I bet you they have one of the highest air-conditioner-per-residence ratios in the country. It's why so many pro athletes come out of Florida, because outdoor sports like baseball and football can be played almost year round because of the absence of what northerners call "winter."
This conspiracy by RushBo is certifiably insane, so I imagine Rep. John Boehner and Paul Ryan will be picking up on it and repeating it for the teevee soon. I'm sure they'll agree with this thinking.