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MSNBC's Martin Bashir really went after Eric Cantor and the Republican leadership for Cantor's public statements yesterday. Very refreshing indeed to hear these creeps publicly called out for their lying hypocrisy:
CANTOR: ... I think under the right leadership, we can do better.
BASHIR: But Mr. Cantor is part of the leadership of this country. He's the majority leader in the House. I'm certain the word 'Leader' is on his business card.
But Leader Cantor has done absolutely everything in his powers to be sure that not one of the President's policies on job creation have ever seen the light of day.
Even when an independent analytics firm like Moody's estimates that the American Jobs Act would create about two million new jobs, and raise GDP by a full 2 percentage points, Mr. Cantor prefers his own form of leadership, which is designed to crush job creation.
And Mr. Cantor's approach has been shared by another 'leader' in job crushing -- the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, a man who also made his monthly appearance today.
[...]Bashir: I can tell you the Speaker ... is also too much of a coward to owe up to his all-important role in ensuring that the economic recovery of America is as fragile as it it today.
So well done, Mr. Cantor and Mr. Boehner, congratulations! You always wanted to undermine the President -- but what you've done is undermine the country.